Friday, April 7, 2017

Barking puppy provokes bizarre SAT-vocabulary-speaking second personality in area man

Juvenile canine's protestations invoke apoplexy.  Fucking puppy won't shut up!  Henceforth, aspire to temper his listlessness with affirmation.  Goddam it, I'm petting you! I'm petting you!  What atrocity bedevils his placation?  Why don't you shut the fuck up already?  Midnight's stroke is twice forgotten.  It's two AM!  Its cacophonous complaints shun quiescent slumber.  Goddam it, I can't sleep..  Petulance or quixotic naivety?  Are you trying to piss me off or are you fucking stupid??


At long last, sleep's impediment diffuses into a redolent zephyr.  Ahhh...  Feathers morph into night's concavity.  I love my pillow...  Provident illusions bombard imagination.  zzz... 


The churlish prattle of the boorish beast recommences.  Arrgghhh!!  Ephemeral languidness, mercurial meditation.  I can't fucking sleep!!  Impudent imp.  Piece of shit dog!!!


Amiable, convivial sycophant at dawn catalyzes maudlin tomfoolery.  Isn't he cute?  Come here, buddy!  Yes, yes.  Who's the guy?  Who's the guy?  Scratches!  Scratch that belly!  Scratch that belly!  Cute, little guy!!  Who's my buddy? 


Sisyphean parody resumes anew.  NO!  SHUT UP!!  SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!  I HATE YOU!!!!!

[Editor's note]: Credit to, without which the nebulous rapport between man and puppy described herein would otherwise be ineffable.